Website PDF report
of click depth 2

For any website you want, you get a PDF containing complete screenshots of all pages which can be reached by clicking one time on the start page, and another time on any page reached via a first click. For the majority of websites, this produces the whole set of pages a website has.
In case it was necessary to hover-over a link before getting to another link, an image of the hovered link is also added to the PDF.

199,00 EUR

  • A website is defined via its URL. Links to other websites are not followed.
  • Creating a PDF usually takes more than one hour for depth 1, several hours or even more than a day for greater depths. In general, the duration is determined by the size (e.g. number of pages) of the website.
  • Browsing via a website is done only up to the defined depth – i.e. number of clicks counted from the start URL.
  • Only links visible for a human user are clicked. Any hidden links are skipped.
  • The images show the appearance as perceived via a browser at the time of taking it. Modifications after or other appearances are not considered